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A New Year’s Prayer

QUESTION: A New Year’s Prayer - Can you give me a sample prayer?


Lord, my precious Savior and God, help me turn to You through this New Year’s prayer. May I be grateful for every breath. Dear Lord, as circumstances and issues came against me last year and have followed me into this New Year, I cry out to You. Empower me with Your Holy Spirit to overcome these obstacles with a good perspective, realizing You allow trials in my life to mold me into the image of Your marvelous Son.

I need a Father to truly love and care for me. You are that Daddy, though at times I don’t feel Your presence. Remind me that You will never leave or forsake me. Teach me to find rest for my troubled heart. Lord, let Your Word renew my mind day after day in this New Year. Protect me from the enemy who is on the prowl to devour me.

This New Year, help me trust in You rather than be clothed with discouragement. My desire is to follow You wholeheartedly this New Year. Let my mind be renewed, refreshed, and returned to the joy of Your salvation.

Heavenly Father, let me be not only a hearer of Your Word, but also a doer, practicing Your teachings, no longer quenching the Holy Spirit. Cause me to act on opportunities instead of apathetically overlooking them. This readiness involves praising and worshipping You with a pure heart.

This New Year, I trust Your closeness and care. I have no need for fear because You lavish Your love on me. My Father, I purpose to know more and more of You, seeking Your Kingdom and reign over my life. May my actions prove I treasure the Holy Spirit indwelling inside me.

Let this New Year and the following years consist of You reign in me. Let me take the time daily to lift Your name on high. Let me realize all the marvelous gifts that come from above: rain, sunshine, blessings. Then, I will bless You with all my soul.

May my mind focus on heavenly priorities: loving You and my neighbor. Lord, this New Year let me walk in humility, serving You, loving You, giving You glory and honor every day. Each day of this New Year may I acknowledge You in everything and for everything. I thank You for the work You do inside me by Your love, power, and might.

Thank You for this New Year. Let me do according to Your good pleasure and purpose, pleasing You in every area of this life. Thank You for Your mercy which makes all things new each morning -- even after a day of failure.

Father, thank You for adopting me as Your child. In this New Year, I cry Abba Father, thanking you for restoring a right relationship with me through the cross. Conform and transform me unto all godliness through the burdens and blessings You allow to cross my path.

Lord, thank You for hearing my prayer. You care intimately for me. May this New Year be truly about You – May I be all about God in my actions and attitudes. From this New Year’s prayer, let me not forget to listen carefully to You. Give me eyes to see and a heart to do Your will this New Year and each and every New Year to come.


Christmas Dinner Prayer - Go!

What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, I want to follow Jesus

I am a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

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